Join Date: May 1999
Location: HullaLand
Photos: 125
Journal Entries: 5
Think you know your Hulla trivia?
Ok, to give you guys something to do I came up with these questions. Some are easy, some are more difficult but they should all be answerable.
1. Hullabaloo was inspired by what UK raves?
2. How many Hulla flyers featured a real model?
3. How many Hulla flyers featured Robin Frolic?
4. How many Hulla flyers had "Hidden Foos" on them?
5. How many Hulla parties were at the Opera House?
6. List the debut Hulla parties for these DJs:
Anabolic Frolic
Subsonic Chronic
7. List the debut Hulla parties for these MCs:
Everybodies Daddy
8. Which early Hulla did Frolic consider his "make or break" party, and had it not been profitable it would have been the last?
9. What DJ gave Frolic a personal thrill to have play Hullabaloo?
10. In the entire history of Hullabaloo Frolic played back2back with 2 DJs, who were they?
11. The night Frolic proposed to Robin, another Hulla DJ proposed to his girlfriend, who was that?
12. D-Minus had the reputation of doing what with the sound system?
13. Who is Athena?
14. What themed Hulla party would Frolic have liked to have done but never did?
15. What was the name of Hulla's 4-year anniversary?