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Old May 1st, 2005, 04:10 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by MartyMcFly

I recorded my set
so to the Mc's...
Sooooooooooo sorry I didn't listen when you called for a rewind.
I was in the zone and I didnt want to ruin the recording.

That's cool m8... it's your show, run it your way.

I had such an awesome time. Hands down the most energy, the most noise, the most smiles of any crowd I've had the priviledge of playing. NoFrills, Silver1 and Euphonic were all absolute joys to work with on the hardcore tip, and Marty was soooo good as always. Sorry to hear that people weren't digging the MCing to his set.

I'll do a detailed review of the whole night when I've had a chance to process it.

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