Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: in the arms of mrs katie okamoto
Photos: 14 
alo all! i had an absolute friggin blast at this hulla, my first hulla! at midnight, two hours went by so wonderfully slow, and i met so many people! but i got pretty tired quick, and napped in the left corner on the second tier of the three on the main floor. next time im getting a wonderful whole day of rest and sleep in before i go to hulla ^_~ im annoyed i didnt make myself get up and dance at least until that trance set came on. then i could of rested fine, hee hee! traaaance, traaaaa... : snore : ^_~ i still love trance, just not to dance too.
anyone here get one of my few copies of my okidam - the first ep cd? if anyone wants, contact me with your email addy, cause when i make a professionally printed and such version of this, ill send you a new one, for the first song on it, outta my way, will be fixed; its way too long, and i hurried thursday night to burn all of em ^.^;; i wanted to color all the covers too, but i realized i didnt have the time thurs night since i worked early friday. even if you didnt get my cd, go to my website and check out whats there; older versions of outta my way, somewhere, and water song are up, plus a couple others; but i REALLY suggest anyone DL the Trailier Muzik remix... its such a fun remix.
thanks to all the 'fellaz, you guys are great, cant wait for the 14th ^_~
renegade emcee n new plur princess - hi!! ^_^
alisun - it was so cute watching ya take care of jimmy, haha! and 'itsgigglegirl' kept poppin' up then, i shoulda introduced myself to ya -.- darn, next time
jimmay! ...rave rave rave rave, step step step step...
candygirl23, thanks fer the egg i think, it had a jollyrancher in it, right? ^_^
carrie! whatta crazy night! how inthe heck did you miss your plane...? i got a weird message from ya bout being in the middle of an or... eh, nm, ill keep that private ^_~ maybe i misunderstood your voice message, but it sounded bad XD
kandeegurl2 - jenn! thanks for bringing those toys, i loved that shit! ^_~ hee hee! too bad i went in to hibernation for a bit, i wanted to bounce around with you guys more -.- but i couldnt help it, haha!
tika, kristian, seb, steve surreal!!!!!! hi ^_~ haha!
and then hey to all the other peeps i met but i cant recall their names! i think i will bring a lil book next time to write shiz in, i friggin need it! my mind is scatterbrained enough normally, and i love meeting new people. next time, next time
ja ne!
- brandon, aka oki, aka okidam
btw: for those who arent able to put name to face, or didnt officially meet me, i had dark blue ufo's, and the black decepticon logo tshirt that had the neon green that kinda glowed.
can you say... dance? fok ya!
step step step step, rave rave rave rave, step sway rave step...
the uuk is dead... but long live the UUK Djs!
~Snoop e~ (now aka skitch)
~Captain Cheddar~