Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: in the arms of mrs katie okamoto
Photos: 14 
damn it, i took too long editing my last post - some more specific shout outs
renegade emcee n new plur princess - hi!! ^_^
objectview711 - jimmay! ...rave rave rave rave, step step step step... dude, after that day walkin in toronto to find japanese... i feel like ive known ya forever, you ROCK dude! ^_~ you could make me piss myself, and you know it ^_~
candygirl23, thanks fer the egg, i think, it had a jollyrancher in it, right? ^_^
tika - i wanna talk to you more next time, yer neat as fuck. i had fun watching you spin at the preparty, watching you and psyklone gave me some great insight to mixing over to tracks better ^_~
kristian - you crazy mofo, looks like you got to hulla okay? wasnt it you who posted ya got stuck at home...?
sebby bozak - you rock dude, i LOVE your sweet sensation cd! cant wait to see ya guys again!
steve surreal - hey yo, your platipus sessions cd was enchanting... really! now thats a cd i might be able to f**k to, ooh, i think ill have to hit that thread...
james n jules - you guys rock, thanks for the place to crash sun morn, thanks for ravive, thanks fer holding me last clove, and thanks for bringing what ya brought, and thanks for being awesome. holy shit was that a plury run on sentince ^_~ hee hee! i cant wait ta hear ya james on the 14th of you know what ^_~
psyklone n pointy - raoul n jen, ya guys rock me socks! ya guys both crack me up to no end, and i love your music style raoul, seriously! you mix like a mad man ^_^
kraver - yo dude! great meeting ya at the preparty and seeing ya at hulla yo! i was so tired when way later we were dancing n chillin with the socal redhaired kandigirl 'missy'
last, but absolutely NOT least! enD! ian - holy shit dude, you kick ass yo, this weekend was the most memorable weekend ever. and not even really for Hulla, it was everything before and after hulla, hulla was just the peak ^_~ hee hee.
goodfellaz, its seriously my dream to be good enough to play for ya guys one day ^_~ one day off in the far distance, haha!
and then hey to all the other peeps i met but i cant recall their names! i think i will bring a lil book next time to write shiz in, i friggin need it! my mind is scatterbrained enough normally, and i love meeting new people. next time, next time
can you say... dance? fok ya!
step step step step, rave rave rave rave, step sway rave step...
the uuk is dead... but long live the UUK Djs!
~Snoop e~ (now aka skitch)
~Captain Cheddar~