Originally posted by Polina
haha i DID meet you hehe..
I was in front of you for part of the night
i remember your pink "poofy skirt"
i loved it so much
lol! Aw thanks!!!
What were you wearing?! (So i can perhaps remember you..lol)
Nice meeting Troile & paperbagprincess in the line outside sweet outfits you two too bad you couldn't stay =>
It was nice meeting you too! Loved the bunny ears
yay i met paper bag princess!!!!!! *giggle* i was the one in the red hanging out with that REALLY tall boy...lol...who also gave you the panda. super fun-ness
Alisun(sp?)?! Jim?!
Aww! You two were the greatest!

Thanks for the teddy!!!
I wish I could've been there with you First hullas are special.
Aww! Dave! I wish you were there too! Next Hulla will be even better b/c you will be there with me for the entire night