Oh my god....I just wanted to post a quick little message about how much amazing fun was had at this party....I am still a little rough from all the fun (after-partied in chatham til like 5 PM on sunday..hehehe). I think I lost my brain somewhere along the way so I'll make a few quick comments that I wanted to say and post more later....
Well, I just wanted to say to Frolic that the Opera House management and security really impressed me that night. My boyfriend and I got there a little late, and came in to find out that a friend of mine who drove up with us but got to the party before us was sick sick sick....it was very very scary for me, but I was thankful that the Security and medics, etc were there to take such good care of her. She's fine now, she was up and kickin not too long after. It could have gone very wrong, but thanks to the people who helped her out, she is very very fine now. So thanks again to them!!
To Rob-B: It was pretty cool to finally meet you. You are so much more fun than I thought you'd ever be to party with!! No offence, but you know what I'm talkin about....and such a lil cutie patootie too...whoowee if only I were about 5 years younger....LOL

J/K We'll definitely have to party together again!!
To Dynamic: Thank you so so so much for all the bday happiness you gave me. It was so fun to party with you. And thank you SO much for thinking about my friend and giving her that little stuffed doggy - she loved it. She was touched that people were thinking about her and missing her. YOU ROCK MY SOX TIMMY!!!
I met so many new people at this party that I almost can't remember everyone. It was kind of different for me to be the "mill around and be a social butterfly" type but Saturday night was all about the friends, and the chatting. The vibe was f-ing OUTRAGEOUS!!!! I know I'm forgetting to mention people, but you know who you are and how much you made my first "Hulla Bday Party" totally amazing!!!
So thanks Frolic for giving us yet another amazing Hulla. For me, going to a Hulla is like a two week vacation in Maui!! All the stresses and hurts and unhappiness just dissolves at the door - I come home SO much more relaxed and happy and ready to get back to "reality".
Ok so those were all the things I needed to cover...I'm going to go and try to track down my brain now...will post more as it comes to me.
Thanks guys!!!