hrm.. i can barely remember most of what happened the other night, but none the less..
for those of you who i met for the first time.. thanks for the friendly hellos... drop me a PM of ICQ me if you'd like! I was pretty intoxicated or dead tired, so i don't remember much!
for those of you who got a CD of mine - you either got the last batch as i was running out the door, or you're special

listen to it! a new batch of vinyl is in the mail, so expect a new mix soon! keep checking out the website for more info
dougal was quite impressive.. played some serious classic tracks i haven't heard in moons. some old force and styles stuff. neat change to see him play off CD solely (from what I saw).
Frolics sets seem to be getting better each time i hear him... wasn't too into his style a couple years ago, but in the last year everything just starts to make sense with what he is doing.
and the rest is lost somewhere in my mind...