OMFG did we rave! A truly unique and incredible party, SOO glad I made it up!
I finally met many of you!!
DynamicHalfDuo- nice meeting you finally! Get the hell out of Erie asap
Seb- nice having someone new to get rowdy with! Thanks for the CD and killer set friday night at the preparty! A Canadian cheeser at heart!
CandyGirl23 - you and your boyfriend fockin rawk! really nice meeting you 2 and very much hope to party up in Rochester before Goonies

Kandeegirl - nice meeting you!
KRaver - Philly Hardcore Reprezent! Shit~!@
GoodFellaz Crew - had a wonderful time getting belligerent and rowdy with you all! Coolest group of kids I've met in a while! Thanks for the 4:20 headquarters celebration, sunday morning sars, and the hobbitcore; you've made poopy proud...Cannot wait until June 14
Frisky, Donnie, SOS, Ruffage, Silver1 and Frolic - great performances by you all! Good idea putting Frisky on last, a lot of heavily bouncing heads at 5am
Jumper >>> YOU ARE FUCKING INCREDIBLE!! you tore shit up, really nice meeting you!
I also met some Buffalo kids and lost their info

to anyone I left out, nice meeting you! See you all again in July!