2 times PLUS 4 samples...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok ok
to EVERYONE I saw you guys made me have an AWESOME time...much better than I had my expectations set at
SOS...BANGING SET!!! I want every friggen track you played!!! if you see this, I want a tracklisting...or atleast that Stand By Me track!!! HAHHH...I heard more cheese in YOUR set than I did most of the night...odd how that worked out

Donny ( the not drunk enough yet bastard who sampled it HOW many friggen times ) D-Minus - You suck!!! hahaha...great set...and the cd you gave me is seriously pumpin my system right now ( btw...it's about fcuk'n time you made this friggen cd you jackass!!!!! )...good job all around EXCEPT ELYSIUM!!! STAB STAB!!!
Dougal - SO surprised at some stuff you played...you even threw in some cheese!!!

awesome though...
Chris ( frolic ) and Robin! - thanks for throwing this partie...it's really a great thing that even through all the shit ppl. give you you still throw quality parties and still get great talent and ppl. to attend in solid numbers...ps. CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE
Tommy - AHHH! your set was going SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good...but then my ride had to leave...

I'm sure you kicked it even harder though...next time!
Chris Frisky...WTF!!! that's TWO times I've missed your set now...NEVER AGAIN!!!

I heard about the Children Of The Night drop...blaaaaaaaaaaah...wtf I wish I was there
Congrats to MC Jumper...and to MC ED and all the penis groping he recieved...from all those ladies...and the guys?
again, thanks alot to all the new ppl. I met and to all those whom I love singing along with and just having that crazy good hulla time
and next time you better recognize me Jenn
ps...I wish you weren't losing any money with the amount of ppl. that attended...cause i LOVED having some breathing room throughout the whole night...but yeah, obviously that doesn't pay the bills...meh, cool enough

see ya at 6 year