I came. I saw. I raved *really hard*
I sometimes forget about the magic that is hullabaloo...and that hands down are the amazing kids that go to their parties!
I had so much fun meeting so many new people and acting like a retarded raver
Shouts out to everyone I met...
Here are the people that made my night so memorable! Sorry if I leave out some names cuz I have a really bad memory right now!
The Goodfellaz Crew!- Oh my gaaaaaaaad
The Pittsburgh Crew!- Poopy was alive and well....glad to see him rocking out to the hardcore! Too bad we all had SARS the morning after

Pacman is my hero, Tika is my curling partner in crime, Ryan is the funniest person alive!
Objectview- Jimmy i'm glad you came with us and kept me in stitches the whole weekend
Kandeegirl2- Jen you're the best! Glad to have a new raving buddy...the preparty on friday was too much fun with you there!
Kraver- thanks for the inhailer action and chilling with us
Surreal- I had fun on our little adventures trying to fnd the preparty on jane and finch lol
DynamicHalfDuo- Timmy you kick ass...thanks for the drink even though it made me puke
Candypunk- Glad you like the cd! Hope to see ya at Goodfellaz
Spunn- boy how you show up during the worst times! lol
Okidam- Thanks for the ride and putting up with all of our inside jokes and craziness, hope we can do it again sometime
Neverlandgirl- I think i met you!

Arkane and Raverprincess- happy birthday!
Kriztian- you rule
Tranzit and Tranzit's girl- it was a pleasure to meet you both!
Shouts to everyone I met in the bathroom and the kid who gave me my first lightshow in like 3 years hahaha
And everyone I forgot...Rave on! lol
Onto the music...
SOS, Silver1, Ruffage, Gobstoppa and Jumper MADE MY FUCKING NIGHT! HAT'S OFF TO YOU!
Hope to see everyone at Goodfellaz on June 14th and we can do it again!
<- Needs sleep