Originally posted by anabolic frolic
I want to thank all those who helped make this night possible, from Robin who stood outside in the cold most of the night, to Kristine (moondancer) who took a week off work so she could make all those valentine decorations you saw everywhere. The Friendship crew who arrived early to help set up, and welcome everyone at the door.
DOnt tell my work about me skipping! Ill get my ass kicked!
I would like to Say Thankyou to YOU chris as well as Robin..Because without BOTH of you....THere would be no Hullabaloo!

and i wouldnt get the chance to Play all night at such a WONDERFUL party!
I had such a good time...So many new faces and so many AWESOME outfits!
I loved that girl with the see thru plastic pants!
ANd the Girl that was handing out WInner Medallions with the heart pants!
SOooo cute!
Oh and the sailor..like that was too cute!
Highlights of the night.....
All the dj's sets....like They were all wicked!
And stamping everyone's faces while totally toasted at like 5 in the morning was just the most fun thing ive done in years!
And playing ASS ATTACK with robin !
This ranks in my top 3 hullabaloos!
Thanks for all the good times