Join Date: May 1999
Location: HullaLand
Photos: 125 
Journal Entries: 5
bring a photocopy of the credit card and some id with your mailing address.
Tickets at the door are $25.
How many tickets we have at the door will depend on how many are sold in advance. I don't have much experience with small parties like this so it's very difficult for me to predict these things. Add to this the fact that this is iDance weekend, which makes it all that more unpredictable. Add to that the trend of people buying their tickets at the last second makes it even more difficult to guess attendance and door availability.
Our "out of town" rule applies to people an hour or more from Toronto. They will be given priority when tickets start drying up.
Like I said earlier, I will restock Numb with tickets if needed and they'll be open Saturday tilll about 7. Otherwise get to the venue early.
As we approach the weekend I'll have a better idea about ticket sales and will make a better announcement then. The only way to absolutely guarantee yourself entry is to get your tickets in advance and I suggest you do whatever it takes to do that.