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Old April 24th, 2001, 11:27 AM   #83
Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: Cambridge
Well the pre-party was as always stressful cause I kinda was the ride organizer and I had to shaft my friend Mike which was awful.
but the part itself wa great my friends had the time of their lives what made my night was of course, the main reason for me going, Capital J and JD.
Once again the man blew me away and Jd was amazing.
Higjhlight of my night
My friend Mike said to JD
"Hey this girls loves you!" kinda embarassing but I got a big hug and a kiss and a picture it was so dam great.and my boyfriend pulled me up on the stage till we got kicked off.
I danced my friggin ass off for the whole set and he spunmy track the track I wanted to hear I have no idea what its called but it was incredible. There was so much energy and an amazing vibe for the whole hour it was insane.
Frolic was the usual happy and great made me remeber how much i love hulla.
Subsonic Chronic was a really good set I like it more than I nrmally do and I danced my ass off once again.

all in all good party

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