Originally Posted by weava
Actually he's aight. I met him and his crew at OMGH.
And this forum needs rules if you're going to start dishing out bans.
Rule number one of being a mod is to not bring personal bias into banning, and to go by the rules.(which we have none)
Did his comment belong in this thread? No.
What should a mod do about it? Delete it. Maybe tell him to keep that out of this thread.
The comments made about him and his post belong in here about as much as his post did in the first place.
YOU of ALL people should know me well enough to know that I'M NOT A DRAMA QUEEN! as much as i like to pretend! and it is sort of personal... i am friends with robin... and i take personal interest in her well being... making a comment like that on here, is like going to her house and saying the same thing!... it's just rude and uncalled for... and I am a MOD b/c she/chris trust me to make decisions like that...
i didn't ban him forever, just gave him a little time to think about what he did!
also... don't push it sucka' ... LOL