Introducing Connor Frolic, born 11:00 AM March 24th, 2008.
A little story to mark the occasion...
Connor is a bona-fide Hulla baby. At the Hullabaloo reunion last summer Robin made a spontaneous announcement to the crowd that she was ready for another baby.
The baby connection continues - The party ended with arguably the greatest Hulla moment of all time when I told the crowd that there was something I had never done in 10 years - raved with everyone on the dance floor. So I came down into the crowd for the final 3 tracks of the night which were voted on by everyone and premixed by me. The place was going apeshit, everyone around me was going nuts, Since there was no DJ anymore, the stage was filled with dancers. The whole place was exploding with Hulla love. I turned to Robin on the dancefloor and said "Look at what we created".
When the final chords of Heart of Gold played no one left, people cheered, multiple chants started and there were a few group hugs with everyone piling around me and robin. The post Hulla went on for about 15 minutes with no music. Then finally we wrapped it up.
Our Hullabaloo experience and being the recipients of so much love and energy deeply affected us. Robin and I came home with our heads so high in the clouds, it was like we did drugs, but it was a completely natural high. We felt that same intense "in love" that we had not felt since early in our relationship. Anyone who has been together for a long time knows you trade away those early intense feelings for a more comfortable love. We felt really lucky to experience something like that again. We decided to have a baby, and within a few weeks of Hulla Robin was knocked up.
Connor will always have a great story about how he was literally created from love. And we have the recordings and everything to prove it.
Anyhoo, hope that made you smile a bit since most of you know the power of Hulla first hand
