that got your attention huh?
a word so strong, so offensive to some is sure to generate some buzz.
what's the point of this thread? glad you asked.
some of you might be familiar with rapper Nas. Nas has a new album coming out. the title of said album? "Nigger".
here's my question to you: should he be allowed to do this? what if a white artist wanted to do the same? do you believe he actually has some kind of purpose behind the title or is he just being a giant attention whore.
personally, i think the album should come out even though i believe he's just doing it for attention and media buzz. anyone who doesnt like it or is offended by it should look the other way, dont buy the album and shut up. the word exists whether his album comes out or not, whether it sells a million copies or 10 copies.
i wonder how he's gonna promote that