Join Date: May 1999
Location: HullaLand
Photos: 125 
Journal Entries: 5
I just went through my DAT tape collection tonight and can safely say we have many more DAT tapes to encode and add than I have released sets to post. So that will give you an idea of what's to come. Tons of 2nd room stuff as well to add (Madam Zu, Roberto Mascarucci, M-Zone, Orange Peel, Flex, etc...)
I also found DAT originals to....
Anabolic Frolic & E-By-Gum live @ Not The End (pre-dates Hulla)
Anabolic Frolic - THE FROLIC FILES (1996)
ha, yep, the much requested tape. I will release it cause at this point I think people will listen to it in a historical context.
I'm really excited to be able to offer this. Combine that with the documentary which is coming, and other projects that are coming, not to mention this website (all the flyers, tons of pics to post still), I can't see any other promotion touching the kind of historical archive we have left.