Join Date: May 1999
Location: HullaLand
Photos: 125 
Journal Entries: 5
We're taking new users again (sort of)
Well, since this site won't be shut down anytime soon I've opened up our registration again, but it's in a limited way.
Any new users registered from this point on will only have access to a new "Hulla Legacy" forum, as well as the Hulla News forum and the Hulla Recordings forum.
All older members will also have access with the Legacy forum, so feel free to interact with the new people. The HullaLife forum will remain exclusive use to the oldschoolers.
I invision the Legacy forum as a place where newbies who never had a chance to come to a Hulla have a chance to talk with the old farts. And worst case scenerio if it doesn't work out, the older parts of the board will remain untouched so you can ignore that forum if you want.
We'll see how it goes.