Funny how everyone is remembering HULLA in their own little way this week! Hulla has touched so many lives in so many ways, made uncountable memories that will last a lifetime not only in our heads but deep within our hearts. I am saddened at how I only managed to make it to two Hulla's

but those two nights were the best nights of my life. It is hard to pin a specific moment that was better than another however my girlfriend and I spending our two year anniversary at All Good Things, hearing our shout out from MC KWIK, and seeing Chris look over his dream at the end was something incredible. Something that will indeed remain in my heart for all of time.
My girlfriend and I are in some rough times right now but we are both happy when we think back to that night and listen to the recordings. We both are able to smile and remember holing eachother while singing along to heart of gold.
Thank you soo much Chris!