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Old April 7th, 2001, 02:18 PM   #32
Join Date: Jun 2000
Originally posted by noah
The reason why last years Group Hug was so amazing was because it was so spur of the moment
And only people who cared about the music showed up, on the most part ... last years party is just someting that can't be remade in any way
Props to Frolic for throwing another party
But it's impossible to recreate the magic that was last years Group Hug

Announcement two weeks before the party is pretty spur of the moment. And judging by people's reactions in this thread, I think it once again will be only people who care about the music. If you don't think the magic will be there, don't come.

I'll be there. For sure. Along with the d-town crew and as much vibe as 4 or 5 people can carry.


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