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Old July 12th, 2005, 11:04 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: pennsylvania
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Thumbs up So Sad It's Over

This was my first and unfortunately last Hulla. I'm sad that I only got to experience it once, and wish I could have gone to all of them. I met some of the most amazing people and can't remember the last time I had that much fun. I'm really bad with names, but there are some people I encountered that I would like to keep in touch with. So I wanted to describe them and hopefully if they are registered with this site, they will let me know and keep in touch. First off, Nina aka serendipity. Kyle, who was a virgin raver like me as well. The girl I sold my extra ticket to. She was wearing an orange shirt, and gave an awesome light show! Misses skittles, you are awesome and I wish I could have talked to you more. The girl dressed up in a rainbow brite top and necklace. Glasses and black hair. The dude who had a candy made to look like a neck tie, nipples pierced and no shirt. Curly hair. Rob and Christina. I never pictured my self as a raver. And was uncomfortable at first b/c I thought I would be looked down on as a poser. But I felt right at home in an instant. Thank you everyone for being such fun loving, awesome people and showing me the time of my life. If you were any of these people I mentioned, please reply to me on here, or my aol im is buddrfli16. Even if I didn't mention you, please keep in touch. I love you all.
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