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Old July 12th, 2005, 10:22 PM   #59
the architech
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I wasn't sure what to expect since this was my first Hulla, so I guess I sorta expected it to be a lot like other parties in which I rock out to the DJs I liked and chill out and talk to some people when there was a DJ on I didn't really like. Well...that didn't happen cause all the DJs we fucking amazing. The only time I'd leave the dancefloor was inbetween the sets to run go to bathroom/get water since there would be a lull in the music and it'd be deafening from everyone's whistles. I've never experienced such neverending energy even into the wee hours of the morning.

Spinz was way better than I expected. I heard jungle tracks I haven't heard in years, stuff I used to jam to with my sister when I was like 12. And there was new shit I'd been buying and rocking out to recently. And the scratching was sweet, although I heard Hujib was scratching with his elbow, I missed it.

All the hardcore DJs awesome. I'd expand on that but everyone has said it, it was expected, and it was emotional, especially for those who hung up the headphones.

Elixer and Subsonic Chronic, I don't really know what to say. I've been a big trance addict for about 10 years, but only ever went to hardcore parties really so I haven't experience much trance in the rave scene itself. Thanks a lot, it was amazing. Track after track I danced to and sang every word. Silence was especially emotional for me.

Honestly, what Hulla meant to me during the entire party was an intense feeling of inspiration. As a DJ and a Promoter it just inspired me to work my hardest and spin the best goddamn sets I can. And to work my hardest and throw the best goddamn parties I can. Chances are they won't be anything compared to the legacy of Hullabaloo, but if we don't try then the point will be lost. Forget the drugs, forget the drama, it's about having a good time, it's about PLUR, and it's about unstoppable fucking energy!
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