Thread: Goodbye
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Old July 11th, 2005, 11:59 AM   #10
F1SH3 RAVER's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Oak Park, MI
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Red face First time :) and Last time :'(

This was my first Hulla. I went with a bunch of the Detroit Crew (Snoop, Glow, Trounce, GIR, Raver-Lee, Okidam, Star, and the infamous TURTLE!!!)

I had the most amazing time of my life... Walking in the door, I felt the love, the old skool vibe, the bass, it was everything I thought it would be.... and then multiplied by 1 ba-gillian!!!!!

The lights were awesome (true websters definition: a feeling of Awe and Wonder!)

The entire time I was there I was dancing.... (not walking anywhere, but dancing... even going outside for a cigarette... I danced out the door.)

I met so many people, got sooooooo many hugs... and gave soooooo many light shows... and had soooooooo much fun.

(It WAS the best night of my life. I can die a happy man now!)

Thank you to everyone responsible for putting it on!
Thank you to TURTLE for helping everyone get thru the Weekend without him, I don't think much of our detroit crew would have made it....

I am still pretty speech-less about the night... (yet I can't shut up about it... weird huh?)

and even though this is common knowledge, I am gonna Say it anyway:
~{FISHER HAD A GREAT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}~
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