Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: waterlo0
First Hulla Foreverland - April 17, 1999
What does Hulla mean to you: Enjoyment, openness caring, BOOM BOOM shaleilalela BOOM whahahh BOOM. thump thump. A reminder that life would be so much interesting living IN T.
What does Hulla mean to the scene: Uhm I dunno? I think that there were allot of ideas floating around about hulla at different times, the perspective internally or externally may be drasticaly differing viewpoints. I am so not the person to ask that question to.
Hulla Anecdote: I think it was nice going to hulla in a limo with a bunch of friends, there were these rainbows on both sides of the limo, cd reflections??? it was magical regardless. WHoa. I wont obscure the magical moment, instead shall shed light on the mystery.
Favorite Hulla set: I beleive it was John Smith at Birthday funtopia 2 I only heard part of the set but MAN that one track totally blew me away. As a matter of fact it is my alltime favorite set that I can recall
Hulla parties is definately an experience I will do agian. In my dreams, in virtual reality ,in an alternate time line, regardless, I eventually have to run out of things I don't look for doing as to allow me to do the things I would like to do. Either reality ends or hulla continues, delusional, no an optimist, rule #1 che che cheh. LOMG. (\?) Of everything I would like to thank everyone who made hulla a awsome experience tigga guy, massage girls, the freindship crew, braclet girls, THE DJ's, cab mate, birthdayguy, lost mike, babyraver&everyone else, the fan girl!!! the speakers, MC's lineup mates, friendly security, etc.. etc.. although my interactions and hulla's were very limited in number they are still very much memories, I'm still a total hardcore newb, but I found enjoyment. Things will happen, enjoy it.