Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Purerave ;) or Toronto
Photos: 3 
First Hulla? TR Derek tried to get me to go to Enchanted (Dec 2003) and I said that I had heard about it but wasn't really interested 'cause I didn't like happy hardcore so much, but I agreed to go anyway. And hoooly shit, man.
What does Hulla mean to you? To me, Hulla's sort of like the real-world extension of happy hardcore music, and all the things I've seen happy hardcore be able to do for people, Hulla does many times over. I was definitely pretty shy my first year of partying and now if I describe myself as shy, people laugh at me - that's definitely Hulla's doing. I've met many people initially at Hullas that have ended up as some of the closest and best friendships/relationships I've had, some of the most amazing people I've ever met. And that also made me realize something greater about the world... I grew up around Jane+Finch as a scared little white kid and I learned some stuff really solidly: keep your head down, look at the ground when you walk around, don't look strangers in the eyes, be scared of everyone. Hulla gave me close, thorough and lasting encounters with all kinds of people and impressed upon me that other people were really just other people like me and weren't anything to be afraid of. So I'd say it's all about the people to me. Shmee would also like to add that he's in it for the girls.
What do you think Hulla means to the scene? Had Hulla not existed over the past years as commercial partying declined, the remnants of the commercial rave scene would exist as jungle, house and trance in nightclubs like System Soundbar and the Guvernment. Our current culture and its roots in 90s rave culture would've been dead years ago without Hulla.
Your ultimate Hulla set/memory: Unabomber dropping One Night In New York City. He won teh rave, no question.
Share a funny Hulla party anecdote: I talked to three different people over the course of one Hulla in different places around the room under totally different lighting conditions and didn't realize until the end that they were all the same person. Hi Kendall!
Your own space to add anything you want (shout outs, thoughts etc..): Moo.
You call yourself hardcore?
You only scratching the surface.