First Hulla? I Dance preparty in 2001
What does Hulla mean to you? A place where friends gather for an evening of great music, dancing and fun times ... a guaranteed evening of fun w/ new music every few months
What do you think Hulla means to the scene? It was a constant, you always knew around when a hulla would be year after year ... february, april, july, september, and december. So you knew without a doubt you'd have the opportunity to see UK talent every few months, or an amazing party of all locals (anthems)
Your ultimate Hulla set/memory: Dancing on stage for frolic's set w/ ravrkittie at my first hulla ... i knew very little about the music, and the dj's and mc's were still amazing to me then. It was incredible to be on stage looking out over the sea of ravers at the opera house at my first party w/ the man who allowed me to find hardcore behind the decks. (after hearing it at a party, i went out and bought happy 2b hardcore 4)
arriving at field of dreams in a limo dressed like raver rockstars was pretty fun too! (but i had to have surgery two days later so the party wasn't as much fun)
Share a funny Hulla party anecdote: I have a feeling i don't remember the funniest times
Your own space to add anything you want (shout outs, thoughts etc..): Many thanks to frolic for continuing hulla beyond the years of the massive parties (because i missed out on those), i wouldn't have found toronto's hardcore scene without hulla and wouldn't have met some of my best friends. Good luck with everything you do in the future!

And thanks to the hulla dj's for rockin out every couple months with all us crazy ravers.