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Old May 23rd, 2005, 10:05 AM   #19
spacekaddette's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
First Hulla? Lost In Space
What does Hulla mean to you? Hulla was my first party, ever. I didn't even know about Hulla until around February, and I really wanted to see Scott Brown. After going on the web site and looking at people's pictures, I knew that Hulla was one of a kind, and that it was going to be a great time. But when I actually went, it wasn't just great, it was beyond words. It felt magical to be there and see all the faces. Everyone was so happy, people were smiling at me and saying hello that didn't even know me when I'd walk through the crowd. I thought to myself, I wish I could do this every day. This is where I belong. I've never had that much fun in my life, and it saddens me that I only got to experience Hulla once, but I'm glad I got to be apart of it.
What do you think Hulla means to the scene? I live in Buffalo, and it's dead. There is nothing to do, not really any parties, and not really many cool people. When you go to Hulla, I think it takes you away from everything, and it's everything I have ever dreamed about. It's a whole different world. It helps bring everyone together, open people's eyes, and is a very welcoming place. I think for those reasons Hulla is important to the scene. It's one of those things you can't explain but feel in your heart.
Your ultimate Hulla set/memory: Well, Lost in Space was my first and only Hulla so bare with me. I brought my boyfriend up to experience the magic with me who doesn't really listen to the music that much. He was having a great time and all of a sudden Scott Brown came on. It was the quickest hour of my life. I couldn't believe it was over. My boyfriend loved his set, and I remember I had to go to the bathroom because I was drinking so much water. I came out and my boyfriend's like "touch my hand, you just touched Scott Brown". I went up and got to meet him. Scott was so wasted. I was standing in front of him shouting his name for about 2 minutes straight, and he was just looking left and right, not in front of him because he was totally oblivious to the girl right in front of him shouting out his name. His girlfriend apologized and got his attention and I took my picture with him. I felt so great, that just added onto the greatness of that night.
Share a funny Hulla party anecdote: I dunno, I've only been to one Hulla...
Your own space to add anything you want (shout outs, thoughts etc..): I just want to thank everyone for giving me the best time of my life. Libbie and Peachfuzz for being great friends, everyone just making me feel so welcome. It feels like Hulla is a dream, and I'd like to thank Frolic for letting me be apart of that dream. Hulla has changed my life forever. That's all I can really say.
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