First Hulla?
Pacific Sun, Feb 5 2005.
it took a long time gettin to a hulla but it was so worth the wait.
What does Hulla mean to you?
Hulla is amazing. My fiance actually introduced me to happy hardcore when we first met, of course I at the time was not having it. I liked machine head, and tool. And it was just not for me, that lasted about a week or so. Shortly after I started buying up the chapters, buying up the hulla live sets, tapes cd's, everything that said happy hardcore on it. Hulla's the root of all of that. If it weren't for hulla, so many people wouldn't even know about happy hardcore. And plus, since being into hhc I do think my life's been better, and i've been happier, so there you have it. Hulla makes people happy!
What do you think Hulla means to the scene?
I live in Cleveland where there is no vibe, the only people you hug when you walk into a club are the people you already know. The scene here is bland and it is tiring. Hulla is absolutely the opposite. It is what I had always pictured a rave to be, a giant crowd of boucing bodies, and smiling faces, hugs and smiley faces. And nothing but good feelings all the way through. I think hulla carries the true rave vibe for a lot of people. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to describe pacific sun to people, and I've always been just lost for words, the conversation usually just ends with me saying, "The vibe was crazy, the energy was the most wicked, man you just had to be there..."
Your ultimate Hulla set/memory:
God, it was crazy, so i've been djing for over a year now and stuff, last year I met gobstoppa up at a party and I had given him a cd and chatted him for a min. asked him when he was comin to ohio, he replied "book me" HA! (I did...) Anywayz, I saw him at pacific sun (go figure) gave him a new cd, and he totally remembered me which was cool, I also told him i was working on gettin him booked and stuff, got his info and we went our ways (I needed a cig. hella bad) Later in the night during sharkey's set(track 14 on the cd about a min. and 20 secs into the track) He totally gave me a shout out! I felt like a friggin celebrity it was wicked. So yay, for all the hulla crew and residents for being so down to earth and cool.
Share a funny Hulla party anecdote:
hmmmm. I dunno, nothin i guess... I haven't been hulla-ing it enough
Your own space to add anything you want (shout outs, thoughts etc..):
Alright, I just want to send major props to Anabolic and the hulla family for throwing these, I have to say they are the best, I've never seen anything like them. Thanks for doing it, and i'm glad I got to be a part of it. I wanna also wish the frolics luck with the family (its wicked hard, but believe me its fun!) Mad shouts to all the ravers that made hulla so wickedly cool. And to everybody from canada you rock to the max!
thanks and much love out to all!
plurr - live it people.