First Hulla? Pacific Sun , Feb 2005
What does Hulla mean to you? Hulla means a lot to me, even though i havent been to many Hulla's before, i truly feel like I belong there and that i felt like ive been there before because its a familiar fun feeling to be with everyone at Hullabaloo, exchanging hugs, kandi and smiles. Talking with many interesting people all around, taking fun random pictures with fun people, the washroom conversations, coming to Hulla to have another fun experience and letting loose at Hulla by dancing away the whole night! I get a natural high just from the beautiful music! from all the talented dj's and mc's at Hulla!
What do you think Hulla means to the scene? That this is one unique party organization, to follow your dreams..And that you dont need drugs to rave to have a good time. Personally how i view it.
Your ultimate Hulla set/memory: Whoa so many.. Hearing Scott Brown!! @ Lost in space dancing crazily to his song: BOOMSTICK! Meeting my friends for the second time at Lost in Space

And at my first and second Hulla, just mainly being with Graham holding onto him while his songs are on singing to him.
Share a funny Hulla party anecdote:At Lost in space in that moment i wasn't laughing but my brace wire popped out while i was biting harshly on a liqourice while dancing and i ran for the washroom and was balling my eyes out a little coz i thought i had to leave Hullabaloo and go somewhere to get them fixed somehow, and i was struggling with my braces so much and upset, until i just took a deep breath and pushed my brace in all the way correctly, and ran for Scott Browns set just in time. And now that i look back on it i find it funny, just coz my stupid braces lol.
Your own space to add anything you want (shout outs, thoughts etc..): I LOVE YOU HULLABALOO! Anabolic Frolic-you are a truly amazing leader/organizer for these perfect raves you organize

All the dj's and mc's ive heard were amazing and blew me away!!! Hulla has added so much great experience in my life and have changed my life truly!!!! I'd also like to say another BIG thank you to my boyfriend Graham because he is the number one reason how i started getting into Hulla because he introduced me into Hullabaloo, bringing me to Hullabaloo twice and making sure that I have the time of my life!! Which he and many others made me have naturally!!!
ThaNk yOu EveryoNe!!