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Old May 1st, 2005, 05:26 PM   #16
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Here we go again.

The defining reason of Indy's victory doesn't lie in his skill, it lies in the fact that it's Indy. Yes, Robocop is all like, cyberly enhanced to kill anything with super fast reflexes and stuff (though his mobility is ass), but nevertheless, all he is is a strong robot, who often has trouble with other strong robots before he can make his not very epic retaliations.

Indy is Indiana fucking Jones. The dude is the ultimate adventurer, and his main "heroic ability" is the Indy Factor. No matter WHAT the situation may be (And he's been in some fucked up situations), Indy finds a way. He has that luck with him, that allows him to figure something out on the fly, no matter how stacked the odds may be.

Further into this, Indy is not a criminal. Robocop can't attack him until Indy does something wrong, so that there gives Indy the first move, and I'm sure he'd figure something out to take Robocop down in one fell swoop. Like.... convince him to go find some trapped treasure, or something.

Barring that, no matter what you say that Robocop could do to thwart Indy, I always have the fallback of "Indy can just go chill with the Holy Grail, and wait it out." Eventually Robocop will break down, or be replaced and discarded. If that were the only way to win, so be it, but I figure Indy would figure something out. He's Indiana fucking Jones. Robocop is just a machine.
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