Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Southern Cali
Journal Entries: 4
Ok, Here is my story.
I was going to get a ticket, but, I never got off my lazy butt to actually get one. So, when they were sold out I was pissed at myself for not getting my ticket. I said "OMFG how irresponsible can I be, the last hulla! ARGH!!!" So I was on the verge of causing major damage to myself, when my friend messaged me on AIM; "OMG I GOT MY HULLA TICKET FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!"... I signed off, and was crying, but it was that angry crying you get when you're really mad about something.
So, here I am a miserable, crying, angry guy sitting in my room when my phone rings.... It was my friend who just messaged me that she got her ticket.
"Hello?" - Me
"AHHH I'm so excited I got my ticket!!!" - Friend
"Congratulations...." - Me
"What's wrong?" - Friend
"Nothing..." - Me
"Are you sure, you sound like you're crying?" - Friend
"No, it's fine" - Me
"Oh, Ok.......well guess what?" - Friend
"What..." - Me
"I got you a ticket too...." - Friend
"..." - Me
"Yeah I'm here" - me
I died........I was speechless.
"WTF, are you serious?" - Me
"Yup" came the words on the other end of the phone. I couldn't believe it.
"I also got us a place to stay, so now you just need to buy your plane ticket" -Friend
I got that rush feeling you get when your favorite track starts and you feel the surge through your whole body.
So, now, thanks to my best friend Hardkore_Purple here on the forums, I will get to enjoy this last night with you all.
It will be my first Hulla. I am sooooooo excited to meet a lot of you from the boards. So, as the time gets closer, I will post what I'm wearing and stuff. I want LOTS AND LOTS OF HUGS!!
I probably will cry...and I don't care!!
So that was my little story that I to share with you all.
-- John
<333 Hardkore Purple