Originally Posted by DJLeash
I just don't understand. No body goes and breaks up any like rock concerts, and there are plenty o drugs goin on in there. I'd bet i see just as much usage at any concert as i would any rave. It makes me mad that the govt./police are just out to get raves because of what was in the past.
I think this whole thing has more to do with politics then anything else. Politicians want to appear like their tackling "drug issues" in the community so they get their police force to raid a rave and arrest 100 people on drug related charges. Then they can say to the media and their constituents they're being "tough on drugs". So ravers end up being the pawns in their political game, since youth tend to be an easy target, they have no collective voice, they don't really vote and they have no money to challenge the government or the courts. It all comes down to politicians trying to get more votes, who inturn promote police that help them push their agenda further (ie, raiding a rave). Such is the corrupt nature of politics.