This was my first Hulla...first rave, actually, and it couldn't have turned out any better. When I arrived, I didn't think I would be able to enjoy myself. I was overwhelmed by the people, the music, everything. Eventually, I got over that and ended up dancing the night away and meeting lots of great people. The vibe I felt while I was there is indescribable and incomparable to anything I’ve ever been apart of.
I would like to say "thank you" to Anabolic Frolic and everyone else that made it happen (forgive me for not naming everyone individually, remember, I'm new). Also, thanks to everybody that came out that night. You all helped to make me feel very welcomed and comfortable. And to the wonderful people that brought me, took care of me, and made sure I had a damn good time: ANDREW, MEL, EMILY, thank you so very much…you guys are awesome!
plans on attending the final two are in the works!!