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Old December 14th, 2004, 09:41 PM   #87
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: utica new york
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Originally Posted by peachfuzz
yeah.. especially in utica.. because they're really 'core up there.

tssk tssk.......per capita are homicide rate in utica is higher than all of NYC and yes are we a little lite on heads at our parties in the utica/syracuse/binghampton arena sure but heart?? come on........ and hey not trying to poke you in the culo or anything but yah must admit that hulla parties and the candy/happy deal is now more or less a hyper-system, i mean where elese does it exist like that anymore than in toronto?? and if i am not mistaken that will all be gone in july too??

i mean hey i was not dissing the fuzzy bunnies my self, or what would be the point in driving 5 friggin hours to another country to visit the fuzzy bunnies??? its fun................but a novelty nowa days.....
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