There's no reason people can't come from other places for other parties. They just don't. If they do, instead of sitting around going "hey, we'd be at hulla right now, that sure sucks" then i don't see any reason that those parties won't be just as good or better. That's what Ima sayin'. It seems like the only thing that really matters that's being lost is the name recognition of Hulla... there might be a party just as good as Mardi Gras, but if no one's heard of it no one's gonna show up.
If you really care about what you think you're losing here, keep showing up so that you don't!
Hulla ending can either have a devestatingly big impact, or it can have no impact, and that's gonna be up to each and every one of us because WE'RE THE IMPACT that every Hulla has every time it touches down. Maybe I sound like I'm denying that this matters - I'm not trying to ignore it. I'm trying to have the positive attitude about it that we're going to have to have if we want to keep things going strong.
If you've never been to a Goodfellaz party, try to check out NYE (I know, if you're not from Toronto, that's kind of a big date to expect you out for...) 'cause I promise that night is gonna go really really nicely.
You just might like it. You just might really like it.
Wait, if you ARE from Toronto, you ought to be at BE2EO next weekend. Though probably you already will be.