Friendship Crew
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Photos: 7
I don't even know where to begin. I sat here and read each and every single post. They all put a tear in my eye. It's amazing how everyone who has been to a hulla feels the exact same way. Hullabaloo is absolutely AMAZING and that's all there to it.
Big ups to Chris and Robin. Thank you for everything that you have done for me and everyone else who has ever attended a hullabaloo. Best of wishes to the both of you, and a special one to Gavin.
Thanks to everyone whom I have met. I can't believe how many memories and the amount of friends that I now have.
Mr. Okidam was right. We all need to pick up where Hulla is ending. I'm sure that we could all do it!! UNITY
Timah (Dynamic) said it best in his post
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