i have limited time, but as previously mentioned one of the best hullas i have ever had the pleasure of attending!!!
it was soo refreshing to see everyone!!!AND meet lotsa new people!!!!
i am very very happy to have been a part of an amazing party!
thank you soo much to everyone who was there making it so amazing. i really really wish i could move to canada!!
i was very happy to meet the baby and to see soo many people who i truly missed:chris,robin,kris,bj,cait,stacey,karlos,mced,sunny, margaret, polina,timmay,carrie,jordan,nick,jules,james,darren,
leah,and meeting new people:muffin, tyler, dianejapa,gypsy,laura,marissa,ben, brandon,dylan,heidi,stefan,mike,erin and her boyfriend sean from ottawa and everyone else i forgot big hugs!!
music was amazing very good track selections displaying lots of diversity......loved having a dnb and tekno set in the scheme. all the mc's great job! congrats on your first hulla set jeff!!!! like i said i still have the xXx Ise xXx cd, your first demo, you totally have come a million miles
mced keep up the good work
the vibe was totally positive and the dance floor was moving!
yay friendship crew, i am very glad to have spent some time helping with setup/decor and kris that cloud was the shizzle! i knew it would be okay
thank you everyone again!