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Old July 18th, 2004, 12:09 PM   #1
anabolic frolic
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If you shot video footage for the doc send it in now

I'll be watching and logging all the footage we have in the next 2 weeks to begin constructing the doc. If you shot any of your own video for consideration in it, now is the time to send it in. It will have a better chance being used if the quality is a good as possible so send in your original tapes and I will mail them back afterwards. For safety you may want to make a backup for yourself before mailing it.

Send them to

Chris Frolic
PO Box 1399
Station K
Toronto, Ontario
M4P 2G7 Canada

It would be helpful if you included a summary of what's on there (ie: us driving from Kalamazoo, Hotel party, footage at Hulla, etc...) and what you think might be of most interest on the tape.
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