Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: New Jersey
Photos: 1 
Originally Posted by ananee
How old were you when you went to your first rave? I bet I'm older...
and to whoever said that they consider everything outside Toronto to be rural, that's not quite true... Okay, a lot of Ontario is rural, but there is also a lot of suburban sprawl (which I find yucky (no offense to the people who call that home)) but outside Ontario the rest of the world has a lot of Urban areas...
I am rambling.
I tried saying rural to see if it is a word you can't say without sounding drunk and it's true.
I just started going a few months ago, so I was 24 
Neurotic, psychotic, I think I'm bionic.
I'm still hooked on phonics.
Just a few things you outta know.