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Old April 23rd, 2004, 01:59 AM   #31
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Location: Milwaukee, WI USA
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Originally Posted by orbz
I think it's kind of adorable that you were so worried about what ppl thought of you that you left

Too bad ppl like the ravesexers didn't feel that way
what would u do when u found something that u loved so dearly and found people to share it with? your heart would soar to new levels, never known before. the feeling that i got at hulla after all these events occured was undescribable at the moment.
but now i realize that it's our similarities that brings us together. it's what binds all of us to one another. and even if all of us are spread across the world, we can still have our headphones blasting the sounds of the hardcore and think that someone else out there is in the same state of euphoria as you are.
damnit!!!.... i never make too much sense when i've had too much to drink lol
I made a wrong turn at cloud 5. Can someone tell me how to get to cloud nine?
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