Sail Away
I wouldn't even know where to start... since I've been going to Hulla, all of you ; friends, djs, mcz, newbs... really know how to how to have a g00d time.
Every Hulla has ALWAYS topped the last ones for me. Easily due to getting to know the same people better.
Hopefully the site where my pix are hosted comes back online soon for all to see. I really took some g00d ones
Shane ; We made it early just so we wouldn't miss you set man! Absolutely fucking wikked! I have some classic pix of ya too LOL.
Jarefox ; Finally got to see you for a first time
Loved every minute of your set. Too bad you can't Hulla Arcade as g00d as you spin
Frisky ; Anytime your spinning I know it's going to be a wikked set! Last night was no different!
Breeze ; Man... what can I say.. you had me going nuts right up against the stage for the whole hour. Truly amazing.
Frolic ; You had an amazing set list lined up.. you really do know what hulla is really about!! *I would hope you do
Silver1 : Hahha.. man.. some of the pix I have of you with that pirate hat on lol... halarious. Always a rockin time when your on the decks
D-Minus : Gawd damn...... I wasn't suprised at all with the energy I had at the end.. but I really didn't expect to go that hard... Only you could pull off getting a group of ~6 people rockin out HARDCORE while in a "group hug" <-- that was awesome.
Mike.. MCED : You truly made your mark last night. The talent you spat out was insane!! You truly are "untouchable".
This night was absolutely killer. Many of you dissapointed me when I heard you couldn't make it out
You know who you are and you were missed.
Krys/Chris : What can I say about you two. You guys are such g00d friends and g00d people. It's always a pleasure to see you at a party. Even though.... you do like the Toronto Maple Leafs..
*hahah they lost!!! GAME 7!!!* *I don't like the sens though*
Go HaBs Go!!
Aj/Val/Denise/Lacey : There were many things that could have gone wrong this weekend but we all stuck it and make this weekend work. London crew!!! *most were not present though
Kendall : You're always hogging all my pictures
Such a cutie and such a g00d friend!! Your amazing
Keron: NO SOUP FOR YOU! haha Took me forever to get those damn marker dots off my arm :P Bastard.
Weaver : Black shirt.. not white as Denise said
Pleasure meeting you man!
Seizure : D00d.. You should have been on the dance floor with me.. that's why you never saw me!!
Emily : hehe you rock hun!! Your such a cutie *HuGz*
Jessica : Was nice actually getting to talk to you in person for once haha. Hope to see you again s00n.
HappyHat : *w00t* haha Can spot you from anywhere in that place
Derek : Doesn't get much better than you man. Your a great guy and always hope I see you at the party!
Courtney!! : *HuGz* your the bestest gurl... and you know that!!
Scoots : hehe still can't remember taking that pic with you at HOTC but I made sure "I" took this one
*MuAh* You rock!
Timmy : haha.. I agree with Seizure.. you look better in a skirt :\ haha jk.
Sim/Saber : Wikkid seeing you guys
Mr.Wolf : I will NEVER.. and I mean NEVER get that image out of my head seeing you get a massage... It was CLASSIC!! But I'm sure I was the same way... gawd she was g00d... ohhhhh hehe Had a blast with you man. See you again s00n!
Gawd damn.. this list is too long :\ I'm stopping. Everyone I missed.. all my friends and newbies that made this night what it was.. YOU ROCK!
Hearing Heart Beats 4 times...i couldn't have cared less.. I never rocked out harder to a song...
That's enough about dirty ravers... i've been up over 34h now and think I should be getting my well deserved rest! haha
Keep it HardKore! :