sail away was deffinatly a good night...
dispite some problems which it isn't worth discussing....
The music (for me at least) was the best that i have heard at a hulla in a LONG time! Rock you softly takes my breath away... and thank you.... pacific sun brings back sooo many memories... awe
I did notice though that one track got dropped (4) times during the evening.... good song... but 4 times!!! Hehe I was a little worried because so many ppl I wanted to see weren't coming
But in the end there were still so many ppl that made my night memorable. Chris and Krystal... I am sooo happy u came! You sneaks you!!! Um yeah... seizure... thats the last time I try to join you on the floor when your all by your lonesome. Hrm.... okay i'm over it!
Courtney and Sunny you guys are too cute! Never miss another hulla! Diane *yay*... your not allowed to miss a hulla either... not that you did... it's just my new rule! Tryppy all I have to say is *muah* and *goooo greasemonkeys*! And speaking of that.... Wolfie I luv my munki! He's great and your awesome hun! Christina your such a cutie... I'm glad it all worked out in the end and you made it! I just realised that If I continue writing about everyone that I was happy to share time with I will bore everyone... too many good people... such a good time. Awe and even though i felt cheezy doing it I am so glad that after 4.5 years of hullabaloo's I finaly got a pic with frolic... =) I can't wait until july!!! I vote for dj wolf to spin again... Yeah I know... i always vote for him to spin! Anyways... thats enough rambling. U guys all rock... and you know who you are.
our pics are at