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Old March 28th, 2004, 03:13 AM   #1
anabolic frolic
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Thumbs up We finally updated our software!!!!

The HullaSite finally has gotten a major overhaul of it's web engine. We're now utilising vbulletin 3.0, a huge leap from our older version which was years out of date but couldn't be updated due to extensive hacking. I've finally bit the bullet and made the switch!

I went to great lengths to keep the same look and feel of our original site, but in time we'll get it looking snappier and more modern.

You'll probably notice right away that the site is significantly speedier due to the better code. No more waiting 20 seconds between pages!

There are several new features that I'll let our users discover, some I've turned off for the time being so we can ease into things. Be sure to check out our User Control Panels and explore what's available to you.

Some parts of the old site are unavailable until we can port the code over to the new site, but our message forums are fully running and SAIL AWAY details can easily be looked at.

Speaking of Sail Away, tickets are on sale everywhere and the HullaStore remains open without interuption. Enjoy the new site and I'll see everyone in 3 weeks!!!!
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