Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Detroit, Michigan, USA
Photos: 13 
Journal Entries: 2
Remember - Buffalo is where you want to be, Frolic... Buffalo.... don't forget the name.... [/B]
Fuck a bunch of that noise. We need HARDCORE IN DETROIT! and we need tha dynamic timmah in detroit too
Yeah...we're startin to put togther quite a few decent hardcore parties in detroit. we need more. LOTS more...with LOTS more DJ's. yeah...i'm thinking about throwing an outdoor in may or june. only problem with may: it's DEMF (movement) month. argh. but yeah, if I could get AF for a party around here? HOLY HAPPY D-TOWN RAVERS BATMAN! that would be awesome!
i'm totally addicted to bass
when you don't know what else to do, just dance