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Old January 22nd, 2004, 04:27 AM   #43
Join Date: Jan 2004
wanna say thanx for the water tip, and i'll watch my cam like a hawk, any tips for a hulla noob, been to raves but never a hulla, somethin new at each one ya know, oh and a buncha my friends backed out (work and stuff), and my sis might not go cuz her bf can't and her friend cant, she doesnt want to go without friends, I tried to explain to her that at events like this, the entire place is her new friend, but with no scene experience i guess thats hard to understand!


hope to see everyone there!

hopin to get tons of stuff to give away (cash is kinda tight right now) but i'll figure something out, def say hi, i wanna get pix with as many ppl as possible for my first hulla
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