Tranzit; I understand and agree with your points. I just wish some of them weren't true. I know that drugs play a big part in the "rave" community but wish more emphasis was put on the DJ'z and MC'z. You guyz *including yourself* are truly amazing. That's one of the main reasons why I go. For those who dose, as long as you're in control of the drugs you use, that's fine. But what lifts me up is the way you project your music on to us. I listen HHC all the time @ home and it makes me re-live past parties. No need for drug use at home to feel that way, just music.
I think it may be because I appreciate music like no other. I always tune myself into the song, the lyrics and the way it's presented.
Keep up the great work and the vibe will always remain alive. Even if the party scene falls off in the future.
JaMGiRL: Thanks babe.