Ok... this was my first hulla.
I think I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't come so far. I drove from Boston to CT and met some friends, then they drove us to Toronto... but like... there was this huge blizzard that made us really late, so we didn't get there until whoever was spinning D&B was almost done. That blizzard sucked for a lot of people, some of my friends got in TWO accidents on the way up and they were all shaken up.
Hixxy was awesome, but I really hate MCs. So even though it was Storm, for me everything he was saying just kind of degenerated to HIBIDIBIBIDI BLU HIBIDIBUUUUUUBLU and the like. Though the live version of the Ravers Anthem during I think Frolic's set was definately cool.
Frisky was good as well, goooood hardcore.
Elixir was um... an interesting change of pace. It wasn't quite what I was expecting at hulla but I still enjoyed it.
But D-Minus and Kwik... dude what happened? DMinus was so good when I saw him before. I think people were actually booing. That's something I've never seen in 3 years of partying. And then Kwik was like "Ya you better get up, you better come back, or or we'll be coming for you NEXT. We'll be coming for your scene next!" Or something like that. What was that supposed to mean? I mean I know he just slipped and he was freaking out, but still...
I think it may have been because so many people were expecting so much in such a small venue.
Also, towards the end I went to the bathroom, and these 3 shady mofos were just kind of chilling not doing anything, but when I was washing my hands they all kind of were looking at me, and then one said to another "Ya, so did you see those two weirdos making out on the dance floor? That really freaked me out." Which I am thinking was directed at two of my friends who were kissing during one set or another towards the end, and I was in their general area dancing... I mean... common what the hell is wrong with these people? And even more, why would you try and instigate something over it? One of my other friends also got hated on for being American, so I was not too keen on the vibe of this place. Very elitest in a lot of ways. It was all hyped up and excited but I felt like a good many of the smiles were plastic.
Well, I still had a good time, and there actually were nice people, and if I have the time next year I'd like to give it another shot. Much love to the rochester kids and the wisco kids, and everyone else who danced with me.