whats up hulla crew?! damn... wow. what a weekend. *griN*
louie (TIGGER) and i just returned home this morning. *yaWn*
aighty then... i met a TON of new people and saw a ton of friends from all over !!
shout outs to seizure, mr-2CB, NJ jen, courtney, sunny, oki, snoope, eden (THANKS HUN, you know what for- you brought back the magik as promised!!) kelly and jesse, katykitty, kate my visor twin, pierced guy & bday gurl from germany, the entire goodfellaz crew who made our stay in toronto a BLAST as usual, all the random candykids i met thru the night, the newbies whom without wouldnt have made the night so damn special... i could go on and on...
yay for SCOTT BROWN!!! slammin.... nice. frolic played a lot of tracks ive been wanting to hear from him lately, yay!!! and damn it goodfellaz boys... you spoil the hell out of us!!! (everyone shop at outer space records!)
thanks to everyone who came out and made hullabaloo alive and kickin
i had a blast, as i knew i would.
PLUR ~ CandyKates & LouieTheDancer (tigger)