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Old August 17th, 2003, 05:39 PM   #46
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XD YESSSSSSSS, of last couple hulla's ive been to im WAAAAY the f*ck more psyched up for this one!!!!
HHC, GABBER, BREAKBEAT! (oh, erm, and trance, i guess... blah) thats a nice lined up tasty treat to my ears ^_~
AND im having my next party (hopefully itll make up for the last one i had aug 15 that kinda died to the power outage) the next friday, so i could flyer at hulla ^_~ meister DJ WOLF wants to play again ^_~
can you say... dance? fok ya!
step step step step, rave rave rave rave, step sway rave step...

the uuk is dead... but long live the UUK Djs!
~Snoop e~ (now aka skitch)
~Captain Cheddar~
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