Originally posted by §tarlite
Yah you're right buddy, I've totally confused my computer with real life. Holy shit! You're amazing! You know exactly what I'm thinking!
Shit yo, all this "sarcasm over the internet" business is confusing the hell out of me...
Bold Type = You Win
I love it when people take shit personally on the internet.
Oh! and that retard sandwich thing! Holy shit, that's so funny! Did you come up with that one all on your own?
If you don't know where retard sandwiches from then you should watch
Beautiful Girls. Great fucking flick and it's a shame if you've never heard of it. Maybe you were to young to have been around for it though.
Also don't you think they should stop having platters of fruit at some parties which include Oranges? I guess they would have to stop giving oranges out, because Vitamin C has a catalytic effect.
Somebody's been doing research trying to get more "roll for their dollar".
and in the US, LOTS of people roll their own cigarettes. it saves cash considering the insane taxes we have on packs of cigs.
I wouldn't say LOTS..in fact I would say very few. Out of the 50 or so friends of mine from the area[NYC/NY/NJ/LI/CT/RI/MA/NJ/DE/MD] who
aresmokers, 3 rolled their own cigarettes and two were from NYC...all the other's lived in states where prices aren't so bad. I myself rolled my own when I was low on cash but hey, I was in BK where a pack of Camels cost up to $7.50/pack...I hated smoking more then one of them a day though, they fucking hurt my throat. Aren't cigarette prices in LI comparable to those in NJ?
So you got just a little ahead of yourself to start bitching at me!
Who is bitching? I was merely stating my opinion that you come across as a complete and utter moron. Aren't I entitled to my opinion?
And despite all your arguments otherwise[ie. that Vicks
really isn't drug paraphenilia
in the context of a rave] I still think you're a moron.
the assholes you'll meet partying in NY
Had a bad experience?
But please really tell me what geography has anything to do with this or me. Please. I'm really intrigued about how much you think you know about me.